When you started thinking about putting your house up for sale, you probably made a list of repairs that need to be done ahead of time. If that list was long, you might be at a point where you're asking if it's all worth it. Will prospectiv...
Most consumers believe if they pay their bills on time, they need not worry about their credit score. Oftentimes, it is a rude awakening when they apply for a mortgage loan, car loan, or any revolving credit to learn they are not going to g...
You've finally found the perfect home for your family. Now the only thing standing between you and domestic bliss is the loan process. Use these techniques to shorten the amount of time between placing your bid and getting the final approva...
The meeting of the Federal Reserve's Federal Open Market Committee ended Wednesday with the Committee's customary post-meeting statement recapping monetary policy matters considered by the Committee. Members voted not to change the current ...
No doubt you've been told that curb appeal will help sell your home. But if money is short you'll need to do some curb appeal on a budget tricks.
Following are some inexpensive curb appeal tips that really work.
Fresh Coat Of Paint
Houses for a dollar. Millions (perhaps billions) in tax incentives. Reclaiming contaminated land. Partnering with Walmart to build town centers. What do all of these things have in common? They are examples of exciting redevelopment opportu...
When a homeowner stops making regular mortgage payments, the bank can foreclose on the property. This means that the bank takes possession of the property in an attempt to recover the debt the homeowner owes. In some cases, the bank may try to ...
Earth Day is celebrated each year in April to remind us all of the benefits of ecologically-sound living that is more in harmony with Mother Earth. There is quite a bit of positive news when it comes to going "green." There are significant ...
For most people, the mortgage payment is the biggest monthly expense. Whether you're facing retirement or still working, it would be nice to be free of this debt. Although you probably can't pay it off in one lump sum, it is possible to pay off...