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3 Ways to Reduce the Environmental Impact of Your Home Renovation Project

The right home renovation strategy can increase property values and improve the comfort and utility of your space. However, your actions could have a harsh impact on our natural resources.

Here are several ways you can reduce your renovation’s effect on the environment.

Use Sustainable Products

Choose Earth-friendly materials for a greener build.

The best way to lower your impact on the Earth is to carefully choose which products you use in your project.

Evaluate Your Trash

Think about what you’re putting in the dumpster. Instead of taking up space in a landfill, many items can be redistributed and put to better use.

Your trash could be someone else’s treasure. Don’t toss out something that others might need.

Take Care Of Your Immediate Area

Your environment includes the area in which you live. Use these tips to keep your property pristine during and after construction.

Protect your neighborhood by taking careful actions during your build.

A home renovation is a fresh start for your property. Make it even more enjoyable by adding these Earth-friendly strategies to your construction plan.

If you’re planning to update your home before you put it on the market, be sure to contact your trusted real estate professional to discuss the improvements that will get you the most out of your investment.

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