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The Top Ways To Use Home Equity

Equity is a powerful tool. As homeowners pay off the mortgage, the amount of equity in the house grows. As the house appreciates in value, homeowners accrue even more equity. Then, homeowners can tap into this equity for a variety of purposes. What are a few of the ways homeowners might be able to use this equity? 

Purchase A New House

One of the top ways homeowners can use the equity in their existing home is to purchase a house that better suits their needs. Even though homeowners may find a house that is right for them now, it might not be right for them 10 years from now. For example, homeowners may have children, meaning they need more bedrooms. In this case, homeowners can leverage the equity in their house to purchase a bigger home. 

Complete A Renovation Project

Homeowners can also use the equity in their home to complete a renovation project. If homeowners have a significant amount of equity in the home, they might be able to refinance their house, tapping into the equity to complete the project. For example, homeowners might want to renovate the kitchen. Or, they may want to add a gym or a home theater. They might even want to complete an addition. Instead of having to save up the cash to do so, homeowners might be able to tap into their equity to do this.

Launch A New Business

Some homeowners might decide to use the equity in their homes to launch a new business. Getting a new business off the ground can be expensive, and the cost of taking out loans can be daunting. Instead of having to take out a loan, homeowners can use the equity in their existing house to launch that business. 

Fund Higher Education

The cost of higher education can also be expensive. Even though parents might save up to send their kids to college, the cost of education is growing quickly. Instead of having to take out a student loan, consider tapping into the equity in the house to pay for that college education. Homeowners may want to work with a financial advisor that can help them make the right decision for themselves and their children. 

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