Establish Energy Friendly Habits
Reduce energy waste to see an immediate change in your utility payments.
- Before bed, walk around your home. Make sure you turn off all lights, televisions, computers, and other plugged-in devices.
- In the colder months, close the doors to unused spaces to save big on heating bills.
- Dial down the heat before bed. Invest in extra blankets and cozy pajamas to keep warm without blasting the furnace.
Small habits can add up to big savings.
Incorporate DIY Solutions
These easy projects improve insulation so your interior stays comfortable without HVAC overuse.
- Use weather stripping to seal off drafty windows.
- Install door sweeps on all exterior doors to prevent outdoor air from compromising your indoor temperature.
- Install a programmable thermostat. Many models allow you to automatically adjust temperatures throughout the day.
It doesn’t take a large investment of time or money to positively impact your utility bills.
Install Energy Efficient Appliances
Upgrading your appliances is a simple way to reduce energy waste.
- Install a solar-powered water heater to eliminate the cost of hot water.
- Replace your light bulbs with compact fluorescent (CFL) or LED versions.
- Invest in an Energy Star rated washer and dryer to save money on your electric and water bills.
As a bonus, your new appliances improve the look and feel of your space.
Attend To Administrative Tasks
Pay attention to what you’re paying for. Small details can cost you big dollars.
- Review your billing statements at least once every 3 months. Notice any changes in usage, rate, and fees.
- Talk to your utility company about average payments. This option allows you to pay a flat rate rather than fluctuating per-use charges.
- Install a Smart Meter to ensure accurate usage reporting.
Practice due diligence to protect your wallet from unnecessary charges.
You don’t have to make drastic changes to your lifestyle to control utility costs. Incorporate these easy fixes to bring down your monthly obligations without emptying your wallet.
If you are in the market for an energy efficient home, be sure to tell your trusted real estate professional who is ready to assist you with your search.